In this program overview, Mr. John Francis Diaz shares how The Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) Program is designed for the senior executive in charge of a major functional area or business unit and is responsible for influencing the risk management policies and strategies. This program is designed to help participants develop an integrated, firm-wide, and risk-aware view of firm strategy and implementation. At the end of the program, the participant will be able to use risk management tools to identify major uncertainties facing his organization, assess opportunities and potential losses, develop alternatives for risk handling, and assess these alternatives in light of the
business goals.
• This ERM program aims to help decision-makers take charge of uncertainty brought
by multi-faceted risks encountered by the firm;
• Develops a comprehensive approach to the management of risks facing organizations
• Applies management tools and frameworks to contextualize, identify, analyze,
evaluate, and treat risk
• Utilizes a risk approach that recognizes that the
implemented in an environment of uncertainty.
An overview of the upcoming program starting on 08 June 2022 will also be discussed.