Business Analytics

Program Days:

Live Online Sessions

  • April 4, 7, 11, 14, 16, 21, 23, 25, 2025
  • 8:30 AM to 12:00 PM

Face-to-Face On-campus

  • April 28, 2025
  • 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM

(GMT +08) on all dates

PHP 50,990.00 or USD 927.00*
*The prevailing exchange rate at the date of payment may apply.

Let us know if you are interested to avail of early bird/group discount or discuss payment terms.

Program Overview

The Business Analytics  equips you with practical quantitative tools to transform data into insights to make better business decisions. Instead of focusing on technologies, it highlights the analytical methods and techniques to make sense of common business questions and challenges — from knowing what happened with the business (Descriptive Analytics), what could happen (Predictive Analytics), and what one should do (Prescriptive Analytics). Participants will go through a process that will reframe their business concerns as a data question, apply analytical tools and communicate the insights for management decision making. The program hones their understanding of key analytics concepts by using real business cases and applying it to their own context. With case discussions, simulation games and team report, the class works together to build a data-driven managerial culture that can create competitive advantages from business analytics.

Program Objectives

Data & Analytics Framework

  • Apply the analytics framework to your own context
  • Learn how to visualize data

Descriptive Analytics

  • Define and calculate descriptive statistics
  • Manage quality with statistical process controls

Predictive Analytics

  • Find relationship among variables
  • Predict future probabilities and trends

Insights & Prescription

  • Model business objectives and constraints
  • Interpret optimization results, usage & limitations


  • Synthesize their data to insight journey
  • Communicate insights extracted from data
Key Benefits
  • Introduce the Data-Analysis-Insights-Decision framework
  • Create charts, graphs and network diagrams to visualize data
  • Compute measures of central tendencies & variability
  • Calculate sample sizes
  • Create and analyze process control charts
  • Perform single and multiple regression analysis using Excel
  • Estimate the predictive power of the variables
  • Transform business objectives and constraints into mathematical model
  • Set-up and perform linear optimization using Excel
  • Compare & contrast model results
  • Apply the analytics framework to a business problem needing decision
  • Report the insights and gather feedback
Who Should Attend

Middle to top Management with different disciplines in but not limited to Marketing, Finance, General Management, Human Resource, Accounting and Operations. The program is also for prospective participants with IT and data-handling roles who want to have a keen understanding and appreciation of Analytics for Business.