Program Objectives
At the end of the program, the participants will be able to:
- Gain a deeper understanding of the change process and practice its application
- Develop a greater appreciation of the manager’s role in leading change
- Practice skills in:
- building and communicating a shared vision
- influencing stakeholders
- motivating organization members
What You Will Learn
- Motivation models influencing change
- The Change Process
- The Manager’s role in leading change
- Managing Resistance
- Enhancing Influence and ethics of exercising influence
DAY 1:
- The Need for Change
- Kotter’s Framework
- Resistance to Change
DAY 2:
- Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic motivation
- Role of intrinsic motivation in optimizing and sustaining performance
- The four drivers of intrinsic motivation
- Motivation traps
DAY 3:
- Manager’s Role in Leading Change
- Building a Shared Vision
- Powerful Coalition
- Communicating the Vision
- Sustaining the Vision
DAY 4:
- Leading Change: Simulation Activity
DAY 5:
- Social Ethics: Ethics of exercising influence
- How most people make decisions
- The seven principles to increase your influence and how to apply them
Key Benefits
- Organizations can more readily adapt to the changing business environment
- Employees will be more involved and engaged in the change process
- Change efforts will result in better organizational performance
Who Should Attend
The program will be able to benefit people managers, HR professionals and individual contributors who spearhead or are involved in change initiatives.