Postgraduate Certificate Program in Innovation and Sustainability for Creative Enterprises

Program Days:

25 half days

Live Online

  • July 19, 22, 24, 26, 29, 31, 2024
  • August 2, 5, 7, 9, 12, 14, 16, 19, 21, 23, 26, 28, 30, 2024
  • September 2, 4, 6, 9, 2024
  • 1:30 PM to 5:00 PM

Face-to-Face On-campus

  • September 11, 2024
  • 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM

(GMT+08) on all dates

PHP 85,990.00 or USD 1,564.00*
* The prevailing exchange rate at the date of payment may apply.

Let us know if you are interested to avail of early bird/group discount or discuss payment terms.

Program Overview

The Innovation and Sustainability for Creatives Postgraduate Certificate program is composed of three building blocks that focuses on various aspects of establishing, managing, growing, and sustaining a Creative Enterprise. It will cover essential skills, competencies and effective strategies that integrate innovation with entrepreneurship using theoretical frameworks and actionable tools to propel a business idea forward, and provide a more comprehensive and well-rounded approach to innovation and entrepreneurship that integrates the best practices and insights from multiple leading institutions in the field while employing learnings in active simulations and engaging activities.

The program is designed to extend beyond theories and into the sustainable growth and evolution of a Creative Enterprise by locking in strong foundations that ensure creative talents and their companies are prepared to weather storms, as they come, transforming homegrown businesses into globally competitive Creative Ventures that meets the demands of Industry 5.0.

Building Block 1: Business by Design: Establishing a lasting Creative Enterprise

Building Block 2: Growth by Design: Creative Enterprise Business Management and Strategy Development

Building Block 3: Elevate by Design: Innovation and Sustainability for Creative Enterprises

The creative industry is a fast-growing and dynamic sector of the global economy that has experienced a surge of interest from several stakeholders, including those that want to venture into new businesses in its various sectors. This course is designed to provide a unique approach in business enterprise building for creative professionals, either for those new in this field or even those that have already built their own but are looking to upgrade their skills and knowledge needed to grow their businesses further.

The first building block focuses on the foundations of entrepreneurship, the technicalities of establishing a Creative Enterprise that can handle the sale, distribution, and delivery of goods locally and internationally, and identify their competitive positioning in the creative industry. Students will learn how to think creatively and solve problems, how to build and motivate teams, and how to navigate the challenges of starting and running a business. The exercises will hone logical and intuitive approaches in identifying opportunities, develop or improve business ideas through innovation frameworks, and provide them with a better mindset needed to succeed in the competitive world of entrepreneurship.

The second building block focuses on equipping students with the strategies and tools needed to effectively manage and grow their creative enterprises. Through the lens of design thinking, students will learn about business model innovation, contracts & agreements, financial planning & cash flow management, go-to market strategic planning, and the development of effective organizational structures.

They will also explore topics such as talent management, project management, and innovation culture that are necessary to learn the skills and knowledge they need to develop and implement a clear strategy for their creative enterprise.

The final building block focuses on the implementation and growth of a creative enterprise. Students will learn how to build and manage a team, create a culture of innovation, and scale their enterprise so that they are ready to expand their business to new markets, both locally and globally. They will also cover a wide range of topics, including business strategy, intellectual property, marketing, financial management, supply chain management, team building, innovation, and risk management. In addition to the technical skills, the course will also focus on developing students’ entrepreneurial mindset and leadership skills. Students will learn how to think strategically, how to build and motivate teams, and how to navigate the challenges of scaling a business.

This certificate course is ideal for creative professionals who are looking to grow their businesses, or who want to develop their entrepreneurial skills within their current organizations. The course will provide students with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in the competitive world of entrepreneurship. By the end of the course, students will be well-equipped to take their creative enterprise to the next level.

Program Objectives

By the end of the Building Block 1: Business by Design, students will be able to:

  1. Learn about the fundamentals of entrepreneurship and understand the different types of business structures.
  2. Develop an entrepreneurial mindset and leadership skills to transform Creative Talents into Leaders of Creative Enterprises.
  3. Develop creative thinking and analytical skills to identify and evaluate market opportunities using internal and external environment analysis frameworks for market research.
  4. Integrate Design and Innovation Thinking approaches in the ideation and conceptualization process of a creative enterprise to generate innovative and valuable business ideas.
  5. Understand market trends and customer behavior, including needs and preferences to develop a business model that identifies target customers and create a compelling value proposition that meets their needs.
  6. Discuss intellectual property rights to allow students to learn how to protect and commercialize creative ideas. (Intellectual property rights in building global competitiveness to be covered on Module 3).
  7. Understand how to build a viable and competitive Business Model and learn the legalities of setting up a creative enterprise.

By the end of the Building Block 2: Growth by Design, students will be able to:

  1. Help students design a comprehensive short- to long-term business plan that outlines the key components of a successful creative enterprise.
  2. Develop a deeper understanding of the different aspects of creative business management, including finance, marketing, sales, operations, and human capital management that can be integrated in the development of winning strategies
  3. Guide students in crafting effective strategies for launching and growing a creative enterprise, including drafting of contracts and agreements, cash flow management, and fundraising strategies.
  4. Educate students as regards sustainable financial management and develop competencies in creating a financial plan, managing cash flows, and making sound financial decisions.

By the end of the Building Block 3: Elevate by Design, students will be able to:

  1. Learn how to manage growth, expand to new markets, and develop strategies for scaling a creative enterprise
  2. Understand frameworks that can help in developing business strategies, especially in the field of intellectual property, marketing, financial management, and supply chain management.
  3. Build and manage a strong team, foster a culture of innovation within their enterprise to be able to create a dynamic and creative workplace that attracts and retains top talent to drive sustainable growth and innovation.
  4. Learn how to expand the impact of a Creative Enterprise by exploring benefits of partnerships & collaborations, and by incorporating social responsibility that balances profitability with social and environmental impact.
  5. Assist in developing a scalable business model that can grow and adapt to changing market conditions by identifying and managing risks effectively and navigating the uncertainty that may arise during the scaling process.
  6. Learn the frameworks that can be used to ensure an Enterprise’s competitiveness through Innovation, Intellectual Property, Big Data and Future Forecasting that collectively foster an internal and external culture of innovation encouraging creativity, experimentation, and healthy risk-taking.
  7. Learn about financial strategies and the various fundraising options available to creative enterprises, including seed funding, venture capital, and crowdfunding.
  8. Explore exit strategies, including mergers & acquisitions and IPOs, how to maximize value for both the creative   enterprise and its investors in preparation for growing an Enterprise
  9. Teach students how to pivot and adapt to changing market conditions by learning how and when to pivot a business strategy when necessary to ensure the business is capable of adapting to changing market conditions and staying ahead of the competition.
What You Will Learn

Building Block 1: Business by Design: Establishing a lasting Creative Enterprise

  1. Foundations of Entrepreneurship: Transforming Founders to Leaders
  2. Creativity and its role in entrepreneurship and Innovation
  3. Business Ideation: Opportunity seeking & opportunity mapping
  4. Market Research & Data Analysis: Identifying target customers and developing Value Proposition
  5. Legalities of setting up a Creative Enterprise to ensure long-term success and growth
  6. Intellectual property and protecting creative ideas
  7. Innovation and Impact-driven Business Models
  8. Effective Branding & Communication

Building Block 2: Growth by Design: Creative Enterprise Business Management and Strategy Development

  1. Business Planning and Management
  2. Business Model Innovation
  3. Go-to Market: Marketing, Sales and Distribution Strategies
  4. Organizational Design Development & Human Capital Management (Corporate Culture Design, Talent Management)
  5. Resource Management & Project Management
  6. Financial Planning and Cash flow management
  7. Contracts and Agreements
  8. Business Valuation and Positioning for Growth

Building Block 3: Elevate by Design: Innovation and Sustainability for Creative Enterprises

  1. Growth and Strategy Development
  2. Sustainability and the Creative Industries
  3. Expanding a Creative enterprise’s Impact
  4. Intellectual property as a Strategy for Sustainability
  5. Innovations and Technologies for the Creative Industries
  6. Managing risk and uncertainty in Industry 5.0
  7. Fundraising and Investment, Exit Strategy
  8. Ensuring Competitiveness through Innovation using Future Forecasting and Trend Analysis
Key Benefits
  1. Gain access to a multidisciplinary set of professionals, domain experts and mentors that belong to the creative industry who can share their experiences and insights in creative entrepreneurship, business, marketing, legal, and innovation.
  2. Discover your business’ pain points and have these addressed in real time during discussions and consultations.
  3. Learn international frameworks and concepts developed specifically for creatives by creatives in a manner that is not intimidating yet deep enough to appreciate application to your business.
  4. Join interactive discussions with other members of the creative industry who share the same passion for creativity, professionalism, and who strive to make a positive impact on society.
  5. Have a renewed sense of appreciation on Business Management, Data processing and Strategy Creation
  6. Be part of the Asian Institute of Management’s multicultural learning environment, which provides each student the opportunity to experience and benefit from multi-faceted perspectives, with programs designed for Asian needs, approaches attuned to Asian management and responsive to peculiar Asian issues, while enhanced by a global perspective.
  7. Benefit from curated curricula, courses, and teaching materials have been developed for the conditions and needs of both private and public Asian enterprises who are part of, or are working with Creative Enterprises
  8. Experience a holistic approach to Theoretical and Practical learning with the case study method, adapted from the Harvard Business School’s own system where students analyze actual business scenarios to hone their analytical, decision-making, and communication skills that encourages lively discussions between classmates, resulting in a robust and dynamic learning environment.
Who Should Attend

Primary Market: creatives who are interested in establishing and growing their own creative enterprises. This includes artists, designers, writers, musicians, and other creative professionals who have a passion for their craft and want to turn it into a viable business.

Secondary market: professionals who work in the creative industry, such as marketing managers, creative directors, and producers, who want to gain a deeper understanding of entrepreneurship and innovation in the context of the creative industry. They may also be interested in exploring new opportunities or starting their own creative enterprises in the future.

Both primary and secondary target markets may have some prior experience in the creative industry but are looking to develop the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed as entrepreneurs. They may also be interested in learning

how to integrate innovation into their business strategies and stay competitive in the rapidly changing landscape of Industry 4.0.