Postgraduate Certificate in Leadership and Management

Postgraduate Certificate in Leadership and Management

Companies need strong leaders who can guide their teams through business challenges and transformational changes. But being a good leader is not just about having technical knowledge; it is also about understanding and inspiring people, managing emotions, creating a...
Executive Assistant Development Program

Executive Assistant Development Program

High-performing executives in the Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous environment recognize the reality that a critical component to the success of any company is anchored on management’s ability to get more done in the day-to-day operations and strategy...
Fundamentals of Leadership

Fundamentals of Leadership

Transitioning to Leadership roles is a major milestone and a great responsibility for new supervisors and managers in their management career journey. As leaders, you are no longer just responsible for accomplishing the tasks but are responsible for the people who are...
Foundations of Management for First-Line Leaders

Foundations of Management for First-Line Leaders

To be operationally competitive, all companies need to develop their first line leaders to have a strong foundation of management skills necessary to be effective in their roles and responsibilities.  Many of the actions and management decisions of first line leaders,...
Fundamentals of Leadership

Persuasive and Strategic Communications for Business Leaders

Great communicators are not born, they are made. Training, practice, and preparation are what make great communicators compelling. In this program, participating leaders will learn essential tips and techniques, as well as receive practical guidance, as they make...